Brief Introduction of the Department
The Department of Mathematics, Diamond Harbour Women’s University was established in 2015.The Department aims to nurture female students for learning higher Mathematics and choosing a career based on Modern Mathematical Education.We are a small group of Mathematicians who are inseparable part of the Diamond Harbour Women's University. Presentlywe havefive permanent faculty members with research specialization on Fluid Mechanics (Water Waves), Bio Mathematics, Integral Equation, Algebra and Topology. The Department offers a 2-years, 4-semesters Master’s degree programme in Mathematics as well as Ph.D programme.Teaching of our Department is mainly oriented to prepare the students more empowered to face the present employment situation and for research in the branches of Pure and Applied Mathematics. The students who join here get profound knowledge in Mathematics at higher level with a very friendly atmosphere. Within limited facilities, we have a dream to make our students more efficient to adapt in the present global scenario and we are striving our best to achieve the goal.
Year of Establishment: 2015
Major thrust area of research:
- Fluid Mechanics (Water Waves),
- Bio-Mathematics
- General Topology,
- Integral Equation,
- Commutative Algebra & Geometry.
Departmental milestones at a glance (last five years*):
- No. of NET/SLET qualified students in last five years
- No. of Ph.D. produced in last five years
- No. of registered / enrolled Ph.D. scholars (present)
- No. of research publication in peer reviewed journals in last five years
- Average impact factor of the research publication
- No. of books published in last five years
- No. of seminar/conference organized by the department
- No. of foreign visit by faculty members and scholars during last five years
- No of special lecture organized by the department
- Total research grant received during last five years
- No. awards/honours received by the faculty members during last five years
- Departmental recognition
- No. of Seminar / conference / workshop attended by the faculty members during last five years
- No. of research collaboration within India
- No. of research collaboration outside India
- No. of MOU signed
Future plan of the Department:
- NET. & SET Remedial coaching Class for our studentsy
- Developing e-learning skills,
- Tutorials and interactive sessions for the preparation of different competitive examinations, job awareness programmes, career counselling.
Intake Capacity
- M.Sc. level: 50 per semester